My best friend, Faye, lived halfway down the road and we would spend our afternoons walking to and from each other’s house. The Freelove's were a large family and they treated me as one of their own, the same way that my family treated her as one of their own. Her family was Jehovah Witness, so she celebrated holidays with us as she loved the gatherings that we had. My mother would bake her birthday cakes and she loved that because they did not celebrate birthdays at her house. It has been over 40 years and we still keep in touch. We have shared both pain and happiness over the years.
Another family that we grew up with was the Robertson’s. Their backyard was located on our street, as they owned and operated a dry cleaning plant located on Edgewater Drive called Connie’s Cleaners. The father, Connie, built the building and made it so the family could live upstairs. He and his wife, Marie, operated the cleaner’s during the day and lived upstairs after the workday was over. My sister, Brenda, married into their family when she married David. They were high school sweethearts and after finding out that she was pregnant, they were told that they needed to “do the right thing” and get married. Because they were under age, we drove to Georgia to a Justice of the Peace.

My mother had become friends with Marie Robertson, and our family kind of meshed with theirs.

My other sister, Linda finished school, but, she too ended up getting pregnant. Times were a little better for my family then and she was given a small wedding and reception.

Both of my sisters marriages lasted for over 16 years and each of them had 1 more baby before their divorces. Brenda had another girl, Connie and Linda had another boy, Shannon.
As for me, I ended up dating, Gary Robertson. I, too, ended up pregnant, but decided not to get married right away because I wanted to finish school. Thank God, my mother and step father agreed to let me have the baby and live with them while attending school. Looking back on it, it is funny, because growing up with him; I never dreamt that I would end up being his wife. After all, he was 10 years older than me.
My mother once told me that she thought Gary liked me because one time we were all at a Halloween party given by my sister. I went to the party as someone else's date. Gary was there solo and my mother said that she saw the way Gary kept looking at me. She knew before either he or I knew. I told her that she was crazy and besides he already had a girlfriend. In fact, they later became engaged and I often would ride with them to New Smyrna. And don’t forget, at that time, his brother was married to my sister. As it turned out, Alice and Gary broke off the engagement and he dated a few more women, before coming to his senses where he finally realized that I was the girl for him. I still remember the night that he called me for our first date. He said that he had just got back into town and was going out to get something to eat and wondered if I would like to go with him. I told him that I had already eaten. I thought that my mother was going to punch me! When I got off the phone, she said that I could have at least gone and gotten dessert. Playing hard to get must have gotten to him because the next day, he called to see if I wanted to go to the movies…. And that my friend is how it began.

So, in my defense about being my own grandpa…… even though I grew up with him and his brother was married to my sister; there is no blood relation between us. But, think about the blood line of our children, could their blood match? Hmm… it is something to think about.
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