50 years old, think about it…..
that is over 18,000 days…… 438,000 hours……… 26,280,000 minutes……..
1,576,800,000 seconds……. OKAY, STOP…. Now I really feel old!
Looking back on it, I can’t believe that 50 years have passed. However, as you are working and raising your children, you get caught up on the hustle and bustle of it all. It is hard to stop and smell the roses; you are too busy with the day to day grind of things.
Recently, we did some training at the school board and we showed a movie clip to our Coordinators, who have a lot on their plates as well. The movie clip was called “The Mom Song” and while watching this again, I thought, this is life…… not only for moms, or parents, but for people in general, this shows us how busy we are and how easy it is to see time fly…. Enjoy……
No, honestly, I feel the same inside, I am just older on the outside. I can’t let 50 get me down!
Besides that, I am not too worried about getting old, when senility finally hits me, I won’t know it anyway! But, I like to think of it as not older, but better. Let’s just say that I have turned from a glass of red juice; to a glass of good red wine! Here’s to hoping for 50 healthy more, after all, this glass of good red wine, has to age to a glass of fine red wine!
My family surprised me with a party for my birthday.
Although, I thought something was up when I was awakened at 5:30 in the morning on Saturday, by the sounds of Gary, my husband, cleaning! I couldn't be mad at him, I am lucky to have a husband like him! I love you, Gary!
So, I just got up and joined in and even if I was wrong, at least the house would be clean! Early in the afternoon, we went to a movie and then did some shopping. Upon returning home, I had a bunch of family members and friends shouting “Surprise” and my little granddaughter, Rylee, running to me, shouting, “Mimi, come see the cake!” My boys had come right after we left and cooked a feast for everyone to enjoy! Did I raise them right, or not?

On Sunday, which was my real birthday, we went to Disney with Mitch, Amy and the girls. Although it was hot, we had a great time. And I have to give credit to Gary. When our children were young, he always said that he would not go to Disney until they were able to walk “all day” by themselves.
Well, having grandchildren certainly changed his outlook. He can push the stroller and carry the babies with the best of them, maybe a little more sore than most, but the bottom line is...... he can do it!
Ahh, it is so nice to be Mimi and Pop Pop!
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