Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day 2009 at the Island

Our whole family decided to go to the island (Grant, Florida) for Memorial Day weekend. Gary and I took a couple of extra days and were looking forward to a little sun and relaxation. It was nice because Michael went early and had the grass cut and everything in order. If only everything else would have cooperated as well. Actually, after reading this post, you will think that it was the weekend from hell....... But, all in all we enjoyed a little family time and managed to get a little boating and swimming done too. It rained off and on and the nicest day was the day we left. Enjoy the stories and the pictures....

1st set back..........Our plan was to go over early Friday morning, however, we had problems with the burn table at Gary's shop. It took us the better part of the day getting support and shipping the controller off to be repaired. We let Michael know that we would come with Joanne on Saturday morning.

2nd set back............Joanne got to our house early and we were ahead of schedule...... until we had a tire blow out on the boat trailer. We could literally see our exit on 95 and Michael was waiting at the boat dock to help us unload. So, Gary and I changed the tire while Joanne sat in the truck and took care of Mason, our dog Dixie and their dog Louie. Can you imagine? It was no picnic for her. LOL But, after a little bit we were on the road again. Of course Michael had no phone with him and was wondering what was taking us so long!

3rd set back............Mitch and Amy came over on Saturday afternoon because Amy had school in the morning. When they arrived, Rylee was sick and running a fever. So, we did not do a lot that day. The guys did some fishing and Michael was convinced that we jinxed his fishing because he had a few big fish that he caught before we arrived. After we came, his luck stopped. Maybe he just bought the fish???????

4th set back.............. On Sunday, we woke up and Rylee was still sick and Pop Pop's face was swollen on one side. Gary was supposed to have some oral surgery done a few weeks back and had some complications so it was postponed. It just happened that it decided to act up again and off we went to find an centra care. So, Sunday morning was spent at centra care and WalMart getting medication for him. When we got back to the cabin, Gary went to sleep on the couch, Mitch, Amy and Rylee were sleeping in the bedroom because they had been up all night with Rylee. Needless to say, Mike, Joanne, Mason, Haylee and I got our bathing suits on and left the sick people home and went boating and swimming. The weather cooperated and we had a nice time. Haylee was trying to eat all the sand and shells and Mason was drinking all the salt water that he splashed in his mouth.

5th set back............ When we got back to the cabin, Michael went fishing. Joanne was in the bedroom and started yelling for me. I ran into the room just as Mason was projectile vomiting all over the place. He really scared us, but, we managed to get him calmed down and everything cleaned up. The only thing that we could think of was it was too much salt water, sand and shells.

Are we having fun yet??????

Thankfully, that evening everything got back to normal and the next morning (the day we were leaving) the sun was shining, everyone was feeling better; so off we went in Mike's boat to enjoy some sun and water. Needless to say, Mason's water, sand and shell consumption were watched closely.

After all of that, looking back..... It was a great weekend, we were together as a family!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Today is Mother Day, so here I am with two of my favorite men...... my sons!

Before I was a Mom
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him down. I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do test...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never got gloriously happy over a simple little grin. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew that I would love being a Mom.......

We celebrated by being together as a family at Mike and Joanne's for some swimming and a cookout.

I know everybody says that they have the best mom- so I won’t venture to say I had the best mom in the whole world - but, I will say that in the whole world, I had the best Mom for me! It’s so amazing to me how mothers shape our lives. Everything they say and do, from our earliest years - teaches us something about ourselves, our world and who we are and what we are going to be as we grow. My mom was no exception. From making my bed properly, washing clothes, baking bread, cooking or to having a good sense of humor, she’s taught me more than I’ll ever probably realize. She certainly taught me what it was like to love and be loved. And she taught me how to be the mom that I was to my two boys...........

Thanks mom and I will forever miss you!

Enjoy some pictures from our day........

The "little mama" had fun with her sister and cousin. Rylee, they are so lucky to have you to show them both the ways of the world!

On this day, as I watch my two daughter-in-laws interact with their children, both of my boys did a wonderful job in choosing partners for themselves and mothers for their children.

Both Joanne and Amy each have their own traits that make them special. However, they are each loving, kind, generous, funny and are both the kind of women that I hoped my boys would end up with. I am proud to have them in my life and consider them both the daughters that I never had. I love you Joanne and Amy!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I have my father's heart!

The test results are in....... I have a clean bill of health for my heart! It seems that I have my fathers heart after all! After the scan, I was told that my score was zero. That means that absolutely no plague or coronary heart disease has started. Now let's hope that all my other traits come from my mother!

It was explained to me that some women always have abnormal EKG's and stress tests, due to having thick tissues in the breast area. So, bottom line is, I don't have to worry. Lookout, Mike and Mitch, if the lord is willing, Mimi will be around for quite awhile. I can do a lot of spoiling! And Mike, you may just have to slap the hell out of me when I get older. LOL


About Me

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Wife, Mother & Mimi....I am a wife, proud mother of two wonderful men and Mimi to three beautiful granddaughters and one handsome grandson who amaze me with their ability to make me laugh!

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