I have always enjoyed creating "dream cakes" for my grandchildren and they love being able to tell me what cake they want for their next birthday. So, now you can just imagine how that changes from one day to another.
Pop Pop and Mimi are celebrating their 35th anniversary this weekend and the girls wanted to come over and bake a cake to celebrate. After looking at all of the cake pans to choose from, they decided that a "princess cake" would do the trick. Really, it is a barbie cake, but, I guess Barbie can be a princess too!
After baking the cake together and letting it cool. I prepared the icing bags and let them each have

It is a good thing that we were the only ones eating this cake! Because fingers and licks were all over it! But, that just made it sweeter to me!

I think that we have finally finished the icing.....

When finished, their daddy, Mitch asked them why they made the cake and Haylee (the youngest) said..... Happy Annigrocery! And, as far as I am concerned.... the cake along with these flowers from Mason and Mia....