Pop-Pop and I got to spend the day with our #1 “little man”, Mason. His dad and mom were going to a wedding so we told them that he could come with us to Old Town in Kissimmee. Every Saturday they have classic cars come from all over and park. It’s a lot of fun to just walk around and look at the cars, eat dinner and then watch all the cars parade down the main street. So, we went prepared with a stroller and lots of goodies to keep him entertained. Pop-Pop had bought Mason a shirt at another car show that we had gone to. The shirt has
Dirty, Loud and Fast printed on it. The minute Pop-Pop saw the shirt he told me that we had to buy that for Mason. Fittingly enough, Joanne had him wearing that shirt today.
There were lots of nice cars to see..... 

And then some not so nice "Rat Rods" to see. I truly enjoy seeing the Rat Rods the most. It is neat to see what unique ideas people come up with in their designs.

One thing is for sure.....Mason is truly going to have Pop-Pop's love of cars as he would point to some of the cars and say whoa….. And it didn't hurt if the car just so happened to have Elmo as a passenger!

Even in the heat, he was a trooper. But Pop Pop helped out with that....
Pop Pop's way! At one point I went into the bathroom and when I came out Mason was really enjoying his sippy cup and I found out why. Pop Pop had filled it up with
ice cold Pepsi. Mason smiled and said
"Um mm"........
I guess that was better than Bud Light!While sitting in our chairs as the cars passed by, he just watched in amazement. But in the end, it wasn’t because he was so intent on the cars passing us by. It was because Mimi was letting him do what he loves most.
Play with a stick!
So, what’s wrong with that? Isn’t that what Mimi’s and Pop Pops are for? What is the harm with a stick and a little Pepsi?