Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Rylee's Ears

Poor thing.... Amy and I could not wait for Rylee to get old enough to have her ears pierced! Mitch.......not so much.  He asked me if I would go to the mall with Amy to get them done.  And of course, I told him that I would.  You have to realize that I had two girls to dress up in frilly little dresses and have their ears pierced.  So, I have to live all of these dreams through Rylee.  

So, the day that we planned to meet after work, Mitch called and said that he was going to go after all.  He couldn't let her do it without him there.  So, we agreed to meet and have it done and eat in the food court afterwards.  So, Pop Pop came along too!  

Excuse the end of this video,  as I forgot to turn it off.  But, this is the only video that we have of it.  Warning.....Look Away if you are squeamish!

The pain must not have been too bad because she stopped crying right away!

And, Daddy's kisses helped too......

Whew.... all of this drama just wore me out!

Now, where is my Pop Pop?????

All better!


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Wife, Mother & Mimi....I am a wife, proud mother of two wonderful men and Mimi to three beautiful granddaughters and one handsome grandson who amaze me with their ability to make me laugh!

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